This is inarguably my most widely-read and most-beloved article/feature/piece from my time at HCN and Chron. I regrettably never met Jim Scott, but was so impressed by the (truly) countless people I met that revered and loved him, still, that I felt compelled to write this. It wasn't assigned or handed to me. It was a story I came upon that begged to be written, not least of which because the Scott family needed support.
In archiving and going back through this, I glanced at the GoFundMe (at the end of this article or at the end of this Response), and I don't know GoFundMe that well, but it appears as though it is still active and has only reached 8% of its stated goal of 50,000 dollars. Which, speaking from experience, even seems very low, just in terms of trying to fill in the financial gaps Coach Scott left behind, to say nothing of lingering medical bills and funereal expenses, etc.
So it is my fervent hope, if it is still possible, that many people will still see not just my article memorializing Coach Scott - whom, again, I very sadly never had the pleasure to meet, myself - but also the link to where they can still go to this day and support Coach Scott's family (and if I'm wrong about that from a GoFundMe standpoint, Klein Collins High School would absolutely take your call and point you in the right direction).
I encourage anyone and everyone who sees this to go to that platform, and show their love and support to the Scott family, who still keenly feel the loss of this beloved and truly-good man.
And if you're like me, and frequently don't have even a dollar to spare, you can still honor his memory (and help drive people to the GoFundMe page) using the hashtag #CoachScottStrong. And nfn, it'd make a lot more sense if you also shared a link to this story, just saying.
- Kay & the cats